Homayun Ahmed

No. 1 Scammer

Big Scammer Homayun Ahmed Habib

“In the shadowy world of financial scams, one individual has managed to deceive countless unsuspecting victims through a company called Habibsons Capital”

Some Businesses he uses to exploit victims

Future FX Scam

Habibsons Capital Scam

Axes Bank Scam

Our Mission


At Homayunahmed.com, we are dedicated to
shedding light on 
the dark world of FX scams and exposing the tactics used by fraudulent individuals like Homayun Ahmed to deceive innocent investors. Our mission is to empower you with knowledge, awareness, and strategies to safeguard your investments from these cunning predators

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Support for Victims of Future FX and Axis Bank Scam

At Homayunahmed.com, we extend our helping hand to the victims of Future FX scam and Axis Bank scam. We are committed to exposing the main culprit, Homayun Ahmed, who orchestrated these fraudulent schemes, and we will tirelessly work towards holding him accountable for his actions. Our goal is to force him to return the hard-earned money of the victims and seek justice on their behalf.




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Passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words.

Protect Yourself from Fraudulent Schemes

Remember, your personal information and financial security are valuable. Stay vigilant, exercise caution, and report any suspicious activity to relevant authorities or consumer protection agencies.

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